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dc.description.abstractThe presence of women in peacekeeping is a form of response to change toward multidimensional issues. One form of Indonesia's comprehensive efforts to increase its involvement in peace missions is demonstrated through its deployment to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) mission since 2009. Indonesia in the UNIFIL mission succeeded in occupying the first position as the country with the largest troop contribution. The presence of Resolution 2538 of 2020 and Indonesia's interest in achieving peace have increasingly encouraged the government to participate and improve the quality of women peacekeepers in each of its missions. The importance of emphasizing women's empowerment, including the quality and position of women troops in the resolution, encourages the author to look at its implementation in the case of the Lebanese mission. This paper aims to analyze the implementation of UN Resolution 2538 concerning participation and improving the quality of women peacekeeping troops initiated by Indonesia. To see Indonesia's consistency in implementing Resolution 2538 of 2020 on women's peacekeeping in the field, the author uses qualitative methods with primary and secondary data collection techniques from 2021-2023. In analyzing the problem, the author uses the points in Resolution 2538 of 2020 to look at participation and quality improvement, using the analytical knife of liberal feminist theory. As a result, the author found that improving the quality of Indonesian women's peacekeeping has been implemented well. However, in terms of quantity, Indonesian women peacekeeping troops experienced an inconsistency in numbers in the Lebanese peace mission.en_US
dc.subjectResolusi 2538 (2020), Pasukan Perempuan Indonesia, Misi Perdamaian PBB, Konflik Lebanon 2021-2023en_US
dc.titleIMPLEMENTASI RESOLUSI NO.2538 TAHUN 2020 DALAM MISI PEMELIHARA PERDAMAIAN: Studi Kasus Partisipasi dan Peningkatan Kualitas Women Peacekeeping Indonesia di Lebanon Tahun 2021-2023en_US

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