State Electricity Company (PLN) is a state-owned enterprise responsible for managing electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and supply. Customer complaint service is one of the services provided by PLN that is used by customers to report electricity disturbances they experience. PLN UP3 Bintaro is a case study, where the recording and distribution of complaint reports with the current complaint service is still using microsoft excel and there is no queuing system available. Therefore, this system is considered ineffective and inefficient. This study aims to design and development a web-based customer complaint management system for PT PLN UP3 Bintaro. This system is expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the customer complaint process. The research method used in this research is the prototyping method, with the stages of requirement gathering, quick design, build prototype, customer evaluation of prototype, refine requirement incorporating customer suggestions, design, implement, and testing. The test results show that the customer complaint management system can meet all requirements and is proven to be able to manage queues, manage complaint reports, and distribute complaint reports to the relevant field officer divisions.