Pemanfaatan Micro-Fiber Cellulose (MFC) dari Limbah Tetrapak Sebagai Filler Komposit Polimer Resin Epoksi
This research is related to the application of MFC extracted from Tetrapak waste, which
is then used as an epoxy resin composite reinforcing filler. The extraction of MFC from
Tetrapak cartons aims to remove lignin from the cellulose content, resulting in MFC
fibers with high cellulose content. The separation process is conducted chemically
through alkalization and bleaching. The removal of lignin content from the MFC fibers
in this research was successful, as evidenced by the FTIR test results discussed herein.
The MFC will then be incorporated into the matrix to strengthen the composite material
in terms of its mechanical properties. This research will also utilize silane as a coupling
agent between the MFC fibers and the epoxy resin. The concentration variations of
MFC added to the composites used in this research are 1%, 2%, and 3% MFC. The
effect of silane as a coupling agent will only be investigated on composites with 1%
MFC reinforcement. Characterization of the composite samples is carried out through
FTIR tests, SEM, and mechanical tests (tensile and impact tests). Based on the SEM
test results of the composites, it was found that the addition of silane to the composite
can improve the surface adhesion bond between MFC fibers and epoxy resin. From the
tensile test on composites containing MFC fibers, the presence of silane was found to
increase the tensile strength, maximum strain, and Young's modulus of the composite