KOMUNIKASI DALAM TRANSFORMASI BUDAYA ORGANISASI (Tipologi Compliance Gaining dalam Penerapan Budaya G-Values pada Karyawan PT Pegadaian Persero)
This research discusses PT Pegadaian (Persero) cultural values transformation from INTAN to G-Values which was occurred due to the external environment changes that encouraged the company to be able to compete in this increasingly competitive business. The research objective is to determine the compliance gaining strategies both verbally and nonverbally within G-Values culture implementation on PT Pegadaian (Persero) employees as a new corporate culture. This qualitative research uses a case study approach with data collections through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results show that reward, punishment, expertise, impersonal commitment, and personal commitment strategies were considered capable to obtain employees compliance in directing their mindset and behavior changes that appropriate with G-Values corporate culture. One of the manifestations implementing G-Values culture is reflected in the company’s performance results improved from the previous years.