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dc.contributor.authorRizqya, Nadyavie
dc.identifier.citationRizqya, N. (2020). Konstruksi Pesan Politik Berita Pilkada 2020 di Media Online. Jakarta: Universitas Pertamina.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe 2020 Local Leaders Election is held by 270 regions with a set period from December 26, 2020 to December 5, 2020. The implementation of the 2020 Local Leaders Election is also attended by the cities of Medan and Solo, with the nomination of the son and son-in-law of the president of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2019-2024 period, Joko Widodo. The participation of this special relationship from the family of the first person of Indonesia invites various points of view to make the issue of political dynasties carried out by President Joko Widodo. The research with the title "Construction of Political Messages for 2020 Election News in Online Media (Framing Analysis of Zhongdang Pan and Kosicki in Jokowi's Political Dynasty Issues at Period 26 September 2020 - 5 December 2020)", has a problem formulation, namely how to frame the news carried out by in reporting the issue of the Jokowi political dynasty during the 2020 Local Leaders Election campaign. The purpose of this study is to describe the framing of online news on an issue or social reality, especially in news related to the issue of the Jokowi political dynasty by and to describe the construction of political messages in the news. related to the issue of Jokowi's political dynasty by This study uses a qualitative method that focuses on artwork or text. The data sources used are primary and secondary data from online news. The data analysis of this research will be carried out on the news text on The news text contains elements of the issue of Jokowi's political dynasty in the 2020 Local Leaders Election campaign period from September 26, 2020 to December 5, 2020 with framing analysis. After analyzing the framing of news texts by, it was found that the results of framing the issue of political dynasties were highlighted. Through the results of the framing analysis on news, can get a political message with a negative tone on the issue of Jokowi's political dynasty. Thus, the construction of political messages by in the writing of the news that is distributed can be indicated purely to persuade the public during the 2020 Local Leaders Election campaign period.en_US
dc.publisherNadyavie Rizqyaen_US
dc.subjectJokowi, Pesan Politik, Analisa Framing, Berita Online, Elemen Jurnalismeen_US
dc.titleKonstruksi Pesan Politik Berita Pilkada 2020 di Media Onlineen_US
dc.title.alternative(Analisis Framing Zhongdang Pan dan Kosicki pada Isu Dinasti Politik Jokowi pada Periode 26 September 2020 - 5 Desember 2020)en_US

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