This study is about the inventory of carbon footprints from the self-service activities of sami-selling supermarkets in Cilacap Regency. The research objectives related to inventorying the carbon footprint resulting from Sami Laris Swalayan shopping activities in terms of electricity, water, transportation, and LPG usage, analyzing the impact of the carbon footprint generated from the aspects of electricity, water, transportation, and LPG usage based on SimaPro 9.2, and recommending efforts reduction of carbon emissions in the use of electricity, water, transportation, and LPG. The form of the research method is descriptive quantitative research. Primary data obtained in the form of electricity and water use were obtained by interview, while secondary data in the form of LPG gas use and transportation was obtained by interview and data collection. In this study, the scope of gate to gate focuses on one point in one life cycle. Data analysis was performed using SimaPro 9.2 software based on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method. Emissions generated from the Sami Supermarket activity are in demand based on the calculation of emission factors that are calculated for one month from the aspect of carbon electricity as much as 26,965 kg CO2, water aspect as much as 1,085 kg CO2, transportation aspect as much as 25,544 kg CO2, and aspects of LPG gas as much as 725,265 kg CO2. Sami Laris supermarket activity has the lowest total emission impact on ozone depletion of 0.000911 Kg CFC-11 eq, while the highest total emission is global warming of 29,100 kg CO2. Recommendations made on the electrical aspect are using an energy optimizer; eliminating the use of CFCs, in the water aspect using effective and efficient equipment, in the LPG gas aspect, namely substitution by using an induction cooker, and in the transportation aspect by applying ridesplitting.