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dc.contributor.authorSumakul, Judgeifa
dc.description.abstractThe North Sulawesi tourism sector experienced a significant increase from 2016-2019. This is inseparable from the government's efforts to promote the international tourism sector. The central government which holds prerogative rights as the main actor in international cooperation is now starting to erode with the presence of new actors such as multinational companies, non-governmental organizations, sub-state actors such as provinces/cities, and so on. The question to be answered in this case is related to the efforts of sub-state actors or local governments in increasing tourist visits in areas that are under the authority of local governments. The answers to these questions are reviewed using the concept of paradiplomacy, namely diplomacy carried out by sub-state actors. This study focuses on tourists from China who dominate the number of foreign tourists in North Sulawesi. The research method used is a qualitative method oriented to the type of evaluative research. The results of this study explain that the role of the North Sulawesi local government in attracting Chinese tourist visits through the direct paradiplomacy framework is quite successful, especially by using the element of increasing engagement because it is directly related to Chinese tourists who come to North Sulawesi.en_US
dc.subjectTourism, Paradiplomacy, North Sulawesi, Chinese tourists, Local Governmenten_US
dc.titleParadiplomasi Pemerintah Sulawesi Utara Dalam Meningkatkan Sektor Pariwisata: Studi Kasus Peningkatan Jumlah Wisatawan Tiongkok Tahun 2016-2019en_US

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