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dc.contributor.authorNurathallah, Rafi
dc.description.abstractThis research is about the fabrication of p-type thin layer based on Copper Oxide using spin coating method. The purpose of this research is to synthesize a p-type thin layer based on copper oxide using the spin coating method, and to determine the effect of temperature during the deposition process of CuO formation, and to determine the value of Miller's index on the CuO x-ray diffraction pattern. The formation of a thin layer of copper oxide is the ultimate goal of this study. The results shown in this study are that the synthesis of copper oxide-based thin films was successfully carried out with temperature variations of 300 oC, 400 oC, dan 500 oC with initial observations on the surface of the substrate synthesized by the spin coating method that was evenly coated. Morphological observations on the substrate surface using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) instrument with 1000x, 10000x, 20000x magnifications show that the optimal temperature for the formation of a thin layer of copper oxide evenly on the substrate is at a temperature of 500 oC, and the results of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) indicate that the peaks of the CuO x-ray diffraction pattern obtained are (111), and (200).en_US
dc.titleFabrikasi Lapis Tipis P-type Berbasis Copper Oxide (CuO) Menggunakan Metode Spin Coating Dengan Pelarut Acetateen_US

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