Pengembangan Back End Aplikasi Liviclean Dengan Menggunakan Arsitektur Microservice
Wijoyo Wisnu Mukti. 105218054. Liviclean Application Back End Development Using
Microservice Architecture.
Household waste is the result of waste from daily activities according to UU 18 of 2008.
Types of waste generated from daily activities in households are plastic, food waste, cloth,
wood, glass, leaves, and metal. The household is the largest contributor of waste in DKI Jakarta
Province. According to Andono Warih, Head of the DKI Environment Agency, there are at
least 7,200 tons of waste per day in Jakarta, and about 60% of this waste comes from residential
areas. The more waste that is produced, the more difficult it is to sort out the waste.
This design discusses how to develop applications to manage waste in households. The
purpose of this design is to produce a website-based application to manage the liviclean
application master data by admin.
The method used in this design is the waterfall method by Sommerville. This design
produces a back end with a microservice architecture that can be used to manage master data
and can be used by the liviclean application front-end system.