Perancangan Teknologi Tempat Sampah Pintar Environmental Trash Bin (EnBin) Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino di Universitas Pertamina
Waste is the rest of daily human activities and/ or natural processes that are solid. Waste management
in Indonesia is one of the reasons for the problem. Problems in waste management can also be caused
by people who still have the wrong mindset. There are still many people who are lazy to dispose of
waste or sort waste by type so that it can hinder the waste management process. Some students or
communities at Pertamina University are also still disposing of waste not in accordance with the
category of waste types. This is due to the lack of education about categorizing the types of waste
and the benefits obtained when sorting waste by type and community laziness in sorting waste. The
existence of these problems can have an impact on waste management. Therefore, the design of smart
bins is carried out with the final result of the design of smart bin technology that will reduce the
problems experienced. The design of smart waste bins is carried out by selecting the AHP method
with selected alternatives being the sorting of 4 types of waste categories, namely easily
biodegradable, recycled, reusable, and others. EnBin is equipped with inductive proximity sensors
to detect metal type waste, capacitive proximity sensors to detect easily biodegradable type waste,
and s-beam load cell sensors to detect recycled and reusable type waste, so EnBin is considered
effective to apply because it has a 93% percentage in waste handling.
Keywords: Waste, Waste Management, Smart Trash, Design.