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dc.contributor.authorAdha, Erphan
dc.description.abstractThis research discusses about analyzing the stress crossion cracking resistance of SS316. In this research, the C-Ring test method is used. The purpose of the C-ring treatment is to provide a load on SS316, and to determine how influential the load and the concentration of the solution used on the corrosion resistance of a material. Variations in the load given to SS316 are 0 MPa, 10.8 MPa and 13.5 MPa, and 16.2 MPa and the concentrations used are 0%, 1%, 2% and 3.5% NaCl. In this study, the tafel polarization method was used to determine the value of the corrosion rate in each specimen given different loading and concentration of corrosive media. After analyzing using a digital microscope, it can be seen that the corrosion that occurs is pitting corrosion. By looking at the value of the corrosion rate, it is known that the corrosion resistance of SS316 material will decrease along with the amount of load and the given concentration. Therefore it can be concluded that the corrosion rate is directly proportional to the applied load and concentration. In this study, the one with the highest corrosion rate was the specimen that received the highest load and the highest concentration of NaClen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Pertaminaen_US
dc.subjectStainless Steel SS316, Laju Korosi, Konsentrasi NaCl, Metode tafelen_US
dc.titleAnalisis ketahanan stress corrosion cracking pada stainless steel AISI 316 dengan metode pengujian C ringen_US

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