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dc.contributor.authorRangkuty, Maimunah Raihan
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to examine the reception of persuasive messages regarding the issue of climate change in @matanajwa content via Instagram in Generation Z. The problem that is still being found is that many people do not understand the importance of the impacts of climate change and the efforts that can be made to overcome them. The method used is qualitative research using Stuart Hall's reception theory. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with five informants who are Generation Z students who are active on the @matanajwa account on Instagram. The research results show that all informants are in a dominant hegemonic position, namely receiving persuasive messages from @matanajwa content regarding climate change issues easily and without a lot of questions or criticism. Informants tend to accept messages as truths that do not need further questioning.en_US
dc.subjectPesan Persuasifen_US
dc.subjectMata Najwaen_US
dc.subjectIsu Perubahan Iklimen_US
dc.titleStudi Resepsi Pesan Persuasif Isu Perubahan Iklim Pada Konten @MataNajwa Melalui Instagram Pada Generasi Zen_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US

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