Indonesia's need for Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate (CaHPO4.2H2O or DCPD) as a mixture
of animal feed is quite high. The Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate Plant is designed to meet the needs of
DCPD at domestic and abroad. The planned capacity is 30,000 tons/year. This factory operates
continuously for 330 days a year. This factory is planned to be built in Gresik, East Java on a land area
of 37000 m2
. DCPD is made from phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2. The
raw materials used in the DCPD manufacturing process are phosphoric acid and calcium hydroxide.
The amount of raw materials needed is 1700.717 kg/hour of phosphoric acid and 2850 ,690 kg/hour of
calcium hydroxide.The general stages of the production process are the reaction of phosphoric acid
and calcium hydroxide to produce the main product, Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate (DCPD).The
reaction takes place in a series stirred tank reactor (CSTR) at 50°C and a pressure of 1 atm with a
conversion of 90%. The next stage is the crystallization and separation process to crystallize the DCPD
product into a solid form and separate the other impurities to obtain a DCPD product with a size of
500 microns.To support the production process, a utility provider is needed, namely in the form of
process water equal to 3078.457 kg/hour, steam of 1911.00 kg/hour, hot air of 16.956 kg/hour and
electricity of 1136.63 kW which is provided by PLN. The feasibility parameter for the establishment of
a factory is calculated through economic analysis. Based on his calculations, the DCPD factory was
established with a fixed capital of IDR 175,458,787,949.01, working capital of IDR 366,887,834,320.86
and obtained a total production cost of IDR 363,996,780,363.30, annual sales of IDR
538,971,035,006.39 and profits after tax of IDR 129,135,071,140.85. The feasibility analysis consists
of the percentage of Return on Investment (ROI) before tax of 31.45%, Pay Out Time (POT) before tax
is 4 years, Break Event Point (BEP) is 24.14%, Shut Down Point (SDP) is 24.14%, and Internal The
Rate of Return is 21,926%. The analysis results obtained show that this DCPD factory is feasible to
stand and is interesting for further study.
Keywords: Phosphoric Acid, Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate, Calcium Hydroxide, CSTR