Warehouse is a place to store goods that have a storage function to deal
with the various variants of goods that have storage with that amount high or low
numbers. PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the production and distribution of
processed meats, especially sausages, meatballs, ham and patty burgers.
Company has a cold storage that is used to store products temporarily before the
product distributed to customers. Placement of products in cold storage is stored
randomly, p This resulted process recruitment product by operator become
hampered. See existing problems, the researcher had the opportunity to redesign
the layout cold storage using the class based storage method. This research aims
to redesign cold storage layout design based on product data, classify product use
method ABC, do planning layout put with consider results classification product
based on class to distance travel recruitment product. Based on data Which got,
researcher do processing data with level early do design layout existing Where
placement product characteristic randomize. PT. XYZ cold storage stores 52 types
of products, data used for one year (2021) as past data. Researchers do a daily
average to get the average value average number of products entering/exiting
cold storage. The daily average results are classified for get total product Which
enter the cold storage as much as 582 cardboard box and results the
classification for class A is 461 boxes, class B is 88 boxes, and class C totaling 33
cartons. The product classification results are used to redesign the layout location
of cold storage, researchers conducted four scenarios to get the average mileage
minimum. The minimum four scenarios were obtained and used as the proposed
layout in PT. XYZ. The results of the design of the four scenarios and the
classification of the four scenarios can be seen in Figure 4.7 and Table 4.10.