Browsing LECTURERS PAPER (IR) by Author "Ramadhan, Iqbal"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
ASEAN Consensus and Forming Cybersecurity Regulation in Southeast Asia
Ramadhan, Iqbal (European Union Digital Library, 2022-08-30)Southeast Asia has emerged as one of the world's economic development zones. The advancement of information technology is undeniably driving economic growth in this region by the digital economy. Association of Southeast ... -
China's Belt Road Initiative Dalam Pandangan Teori Geopolitik Klasik
Ramadhan, Iqbal (Intermestic Journal of International Studies, 2018-05)This article aims to examine the issue of China's Belt Road Initiative (BRI) in the view of classical geopolitical theory. The theory basically appeared in the 19th century. The classical geopolitical theory used in this ... -
Ramadhan, Iqbal (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh, 2021-06)The emergence of coronavirus at the end of 2019 caused the world to fall into a global pandemic. It cannot be denied that the phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic caused a downturn in the global economy. The threat of the ... -
Lobi Israel Dalam Kebijakan Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat ke Timur Tengah
Ramadhan, Iqbal (Intermestic Journal of International Studies, 2017-05)This research discusses about the role of pro-Israeli lobby groups which dominated US foreign policy in the Middle East during George W. Bush’s regime. The researcher used qualitative method and case study analysis in this ... -
Mengkaji Peran UN Women Dalam Mengatasi Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan dan Mewujudkan Kesetaraan Gender Melalui Perspektif Feminisme
Ramadhan, Iqbal; Ma'sumah, Innesia (Jurnal Asia Pacific Studies, 2018-12)This research discusses about the role and effectiveness of UN Women as the real implementation of the Feminist paradigm and as an International Organization that upholds women's right in solving important issues related ... -
Peran Institusi Internasional Dalam Penanggulangan Ancaman Cyber
Ramadhan, Iqbal (Jurnal Populis, 2017-12)This article describes about managing cyber threat by using the role of international institution. Cyber threat is borderless and state is hard to maintain its security in digital age. Managing cyber threat is not like ... -
Perluasan Kerja Sama Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Dalam Pandangan Teori Geopolitik McKinder
Ramadhan, Iqbal; Pratiwi, Mayang (Frequency of International Relations (FETRIAN), 2020-07-06)In the modern world politics, China has become prominent actor in International Relations Studies. This country emerges as one of world greatest economy. Sustaining its growing economy needs a lot of supports. One of ...