Geologi Daerah Kedewan dan Sekitarnya, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur
Hesa Rahmaddisa. 101217079. Geology of kedewan and Surrounding Areas,
Bojonegoro, East Java.
Geological mapping is basically a depiction of data on a topographic base map
that produces a reflection of geological conditions at the desired scale. This
geological mapping is used to identify and study surface geological information
including geomorphological conditions, geological structures, sedimentology and
stratigraphy as well as other geological aspects. The geological mapping to be
carried out is located in the Kedewan sub-district with an area of ± 20 km² with a
length of 4 km and a width of 5 km. Geographically, the research area is located in
-7.04814724/ 111.66341111 and -7.08449117 / 111.70956941. This research is
intended as a requirement for passing the final project subject in the Geological
Enginering Study program, Pertamina University with a weight of 5 Semester
Credit Units. Physiographically,Research area is included in the South Rembang
Anticlinorium – Randublatung Zones (Husein, 2016) with anticlinal hills
geomorphological ranges . Field observations and literature studies will be carried
out as long as the research is carried out, Furthermore for analysis and preparation
off geological map, sample were taken in the field as primary data.
The research area has 6 geomorphological units, that is : anticline hills, syncline
valleys, flood plains, denudational peneplains, denudational hills and structural
hills. The research area has 5 litological units that found in the area, that is: marl
rock unit, limestone unit 1, marl limestone unit, limestone unit 2 and alluvium unit.
The geological history in the study area was influenced by 2 phases, which is the
transgression phase where marl rock unit, limestone unit 1, marl limestone unit
were deposited, after that an uplift phase occurred during the pliosen-pleistocene
until now which deposited limestone unit 2 units and alluvium deposits. This uplift
phase also caused the formation of folds and faults in the study area.