Molecular Dynamics Simulation in the Delignification Process by Low Transition Temperature Mixtures (LTTM) Solvents Using the GROMACS Application
Low Transition Temperature Mixture (LTTM) is one of green solvents that can be widely
used for many applications such as delignification in the biomass pretreatment process.
The aim of molecular dynamics simulation of lignin in LTTM is to predict the potential
composition of LTTM in the delignification process application then to analyze which the
molecular interactions affecting. Study of the delignification process was carried out by
analyzing the Solvent Accessible Surface Area (SASA) and lignin’s radius of gyration in
LTTM using GROMACS application. During the simulation, GROMOS was chosen as a force
field because it had been validated for the LTTM simulation in the previous study. The
used coordinate files consisted of the lignin model in the form of 15 syringyl units and
LTTM molecules with compositions lactic acid-sucrose (LS), malic acid-sucrose-water
(MSW), and tartaric acid-sucrose-water (TSW). Based on the result analysis of
simulation, molecular structural changes, lignin which dissolved in LS is predicted to have
the best potential composition for delignification compared to TSW or MSW. Van der
Waals interactions, electrostatic interactions, or the total of both (nonbonding
interactions) affect the changes in the conformation of lignin molecules in LTTM.
However, electrostatic interactions tend to give more effect on the radius of gyration changes
compared to van der Waals interactions. Meanwhile, the number of hydrogen bonds
between the lignin molecule and LTTM has no correlation on the conformation of lignin.