Dampak Dehumanisasi Mekanistik dalam Memoderasi Pengaruh Beban Kerja terhadap Stres Kerja Pegawai McDonald's
This study aims to examine the effect of workload on the Job Stress of McDonald’s branch X employees, with mechanistic dehumanization as moderating variable. This is in accordance with the phenomenon that occurs the amount of workload received by McDonald’s employee and also its technology on the business process activities, can denial the human values caused by the technology or mechanistic dehumanization. The population of this study is all crew of McDonald’s branch X, and the samples used the entire population or used saturated sample techniques. Research data were collected by survei method using questionnaire and analyzed by moderated regression analysis. The result of the study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence of the workload variable on Job Stress variable by 63.1%. In addition, the moderating variable or interaction betweet workload and mechanistic dehumanization were able to increase the effect of workload variables on Job Stress by 11.2%. In this case, the moderating variable is categorized to quasi moderator or it is able to be a moderating variable and independent variable at the same time.