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dc.identifier.citationAPA 6then_US
dc.description.abstractThis thesis was made to study about the effect of segmentation and distribution of production zones that is located in the lateral section of horizontal well on the oil recovery factor. Any phenomena related to the effect of segmentation and distribution of production zones has also been studied. The methodology used in this study is the produciton simulation by making a simple model of production system that consists of reservoir, well, and surface facilities by using Integrated Production Modelling (IPM) software. Any data that are required in the model were obtained through literature study from papers, journals, and books. Those data will then be constructed by following the assumptions and limitations of Goode and Wilkinson’s IPR model. After the model was simulated for 15 years of production, the results show that segmentation and distribution of production zone can improve the productivity index and oil recovery factor by the effect of decreasing drawdown pressure. Other exercise necessary to be studied are also discussed.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Pertaminaen_US
dc.subjectHorizontal well, inflow performance relationship, production engineering, oil and gas, sumur horizontal, produksi migas, minyak dan gasen_US
dc.titleStudi Pengaruh Segmentasi Dan Distribusi Zona Produksi Pada Sumur Horizontal “Partially Opened” Terhadap Oil Recovery Factor Dengan Menggunakan Software Integrated Production Modelling (IPM)en_US
dc.title.alternativeStudy Of The Effect Of Segmentation And Distribution Of Production Zone In "Partially Opened" Horizontal Wells On Oil Recovery Factors Using Integrated Production Modeling (IPM) Softwareen_US

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