Analisa Kick Tolerance dan Pemilihan Well ControlMethod dalam Well Control System untuk lapangan X sumur Y PT PHE
Robin Aditya. 101316025. Perbandingan Penggunaan Driller’s Method dan Wait and Weight Method dalam Well Control System untuk lapangan x sumur y. The research is about well control system on a well with comparing two methods that regularly used on killing well. The two methods are Driller’s Method and Wait and Weight Method. The purpose of this research is to compare the benefit and detriment of choosing one of the methods. The comparison after the calculation including the surface pressure, casing pressure and comparing the feasibility from both methods to be used on a certain condition. Well trajectory that will be used for both of methods are trajectory using vertical well and deviated well. The result show that the Driller’s Method is more feasible to be used on general condition of a well than the Wait and Weight Method.