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dc.description.abstractErva Aulia Fauzunora. 101216017. Geology and Rock Mass Quality Analysis with Rock Mass Rating (RMR) Method in Rancah, Ciamis, West Java. The geological research was conducted in the Rancah Region and around, with purpose to knowing and understanding the geological condition of that area and to analyze the quality of the rock mass using the rock mass rating method. In general, the method that used in this research are literature study and primary data collection to produce data that can be processed. To knowing the geological conditions in the research area was conducted several analyzes, such as geomorphological analysis, stratigraphic analysis, micropaleontological analysis, petrographic analysis, and structural analysis. Based on that analyzes, the geomorphological units of the research area are Denudational Plain, Anticline Ridge, Homocline Ridge, and Fault Block Zone. The rock units divided into three units in the order from old to young, namely Sandstone – Claystone units in the Late Miocene – Early Pliocene (N17 – N19), Sandstone – Breccia in the Early Pliocene, and Breccia Units in the Holocene age. Proses of collecting data in the field for RMR analysis, it was used the scanline method on each slope in the research area. The data is processedusing several parameters to produce the RMR value on each slope. Based on the results of the RMR analysis, three of the four slopes are included in the good rock class and one slope is in the fair rock class.en_US
dc.titlePemetaan Geologi dan Analisis Kualitas Massa batuan dengan Metode Rock Mass Rating (RMR) di Daerah Rancah, Ciamis, Jawa Barat.en_US

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