Geologi Daerah Hambaro Dan Sekitarnya, Kecamatan Nanggung, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat
This study covers the geological conditions of the Hambaro area and its surroundings. Administratively, the research area belongs to the Bogor Regency, geographically located at 6°33'35.49"S - 6°36'12.40"S and 106°32'22.46"E - 106°35'11.23"E. This study aims to understand the geomorphology, stratigraphy, structure and geological history of the research area. The method used is primary data collection by observing the area directly in the field, laboratory observations and literature studies. The geomorphology of the research area is divided into Denudational Unit, Folds Hill Unit and Volcanic Hills Unit. River flow.patterns that developed in the study area include Dendritic Patterns, Parallel Patterns and Rectangular Patterns. The stratigraphic arrangement from the oldest to the youngest is the.Claystone-Sandstone Unit, the Tuff Unit and the Andesite Unit. The depositional environment of the study area ranges from inner neritic to upper bathyal. The structures that develop in the study area are folds and.slip fault. The geological history of the study area begins in the Middle Miocene to Late.Miocene when deposition occurs in a deep neritic depositional environment. In the Late Miocene there was a decrease in sea water so that the sediment supply was greater so that the coastline retreated towards the sea. In the Early Pliocene the research area experienced folding and faulting of endogenous forces. In the Pliocene-Pleistocene the study area experienced volcanic activity so that volcanic rocks deposited in the study area. The erosion process occurs in the research area at this time which forms the morphology of the area as it is now.