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dc.contributor.authorTa'dung, Jeffrey
dc.description.abstractHeat power (MW) is generated by the influence of reservoir parameters. The geothermal hot water is utilized because it has the potential to generate higher thermal power (MW), to see the parameters that have the most influence on the heat generated, sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity Analysis is a way to see the effect of parameters, especially in reservoirs related to the model, which is carried out to find out the limits of reservoir property values that are characteristic of a reservoir. The purpose of this study is to determine the parameters that have the most influence on thermal power (MW) and to make a prediction model for heat potential using the Response Surface Method (RSM). This research was conducted using two methods, namely One Factor At the Time (OFAT) and Response Surface Method (RSM), with five parameters including permeability, porosity, conductivity, reservoir temperature, and injection temperature. The results of the research using these two methods state that the reservoir temperature has the most influence on the power (MW) produced.en_US
dc.subjectSensitivity Analysis, daya panas (MW), One Factor At the Time (OFAT), Response Surface Method (RSM)en_US
dc.titleAnalisa Sensitivitas dengan Metode One Factor At a Time (OFAT) dan Response Surface Method (RSM) pada Reservoir Geothermal Hot Wateren_US

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