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dc.contributor.authorViliansyah, Achzami
dc.description.abstractAchzami Viliansyah, 103118048. The Effect of Workload and Work Stress on Burnout of Goods Transport Drivers of PT MKC Samarinda City. This study discusses the effect of workload and work stress on the burnout of load drivers at PT MKC (Multi Kusuma Cemerlang). This research is based on the continued increase in the number of goods transport vehicles which has resulted in many new drivers. Then this research was also based on the emergence of news related to accidents due to fatigue from work that was too much and the percentage of accidents that increased. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the effect of workload and work stress on the burnout of load drivers. The research design uses quantitative methods, and a sample of 67 respondents or participants uses a random sample of researchers. Data was collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1-5 which had previously been evaluated for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression, partially and simultaneously. The findings show that workload and work stress have a positive and significant impact on burnout.en_US
dc.subjectWorkload, Work Stress, Burnouten_US
dc.titlePengaruh Beban Kerja dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Burnout Supir Pengangkut Barang PT. MKC Kota Samarindaen_US

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