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dc.contributor.authorTaj, Mohammad Wildan Arsyi
dc.descriptionSumur X, Y, dan Z pada Lapangan Prabumulih PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokan merupakan sumur yang sudah lama beroperasi dan dipasang artificial lift. Namun, performa artificial lift terpasang masih belum mencapai 80% optimal dari total laju produksi fluida ketiga sumur. Untuk itu dilakukan screening criteria artificial lift dan digunakan Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) untuk meningkatkan laju produksi optimal di 80% AOFP. Selain itu dilakukan analisis keteknikan untuk menentukan skenario artificial lift terpilih menggunakan jenis pompa ESP EJP-IND2000. Didapatkan peningkatan gain oil untuk ketiga sumur yaitu >20 bopd dan laju produksi fluida ketiga sumur >80% dari AOFP.en_US
dc.description.abstractWells X, Y, and Z in the Prabumulih Field of PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokan are wells that have been operating for a long time and have been installed with artificial lift. However, the performance of the installed artificial lift has not yet reached 80% of the optimal total fluid production rate of the three wells. For this reason, artificial lift criteria screening was carried out and an Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) was used to increase the optimal production rate at 80% AOFP. In addition, an engineering analysis was carried out to determine the selected artificial lift scenario using the ESP EJP-IND2000 pump type. An increase in oil gain was obtained for the three wells, namely >20 bopd and the fluid production rate of the three wells was >80% of AOFP.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Pertaminaen_US
dc.subjectElectrical Submersible Pumpen_US
dc.titleOptimasi Produksi Dengan Analisa Keteknikan Penggunaan Lifting ESP Pada Sumur X, Y, dan Z Di Lapangan Prabumulih PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokanen_US
dc.title.alternativeProduction Optimization With Technical Analysis of The Use of ESP Lifting in The X, Y, and Z Wells in The Prabumulih Field PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokanen_US

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