dc.contributor.author | Pertiwi, Tiaraningtias Bagus | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-07-27T09:44:38Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-07-27T09:44:38Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020-07-27 | |
dc.identifier.citation | Pertiwi, 2020 | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | https://library.universitaspertamina.ac.id//xmlui/handle/123456789/1453 | |
dc.description | The magnetoteluric (MT) method as one of the standard methods in geothermal exploration activities is very good in imaging subsurface resistivity structures to delineate the conceptual model of the geothermal system. Based on MT measurements it can be seen the initial of subsurface conditions by using MT curve parameter analysis namely phase tensor, polar diagram and tipper. The analysis of these parameters results in changes in medium resistivity as a function of frequency or depth, the frequency limits of measurements that meet the 2-D medium requirements, as well as the diresctions of regional geoelectrical strike. Meanwhile, in the MT measurements can be found a static shift due to the galvanic effect, so it needs to be done static correction using Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) data. This corrected MT curve is used in 2-D inversion modeling with a non linear conjugate gradient (NLCG) inversion algorithm. Based on the inversion model there is a conductor layer with a low resistivity value (<10 ohm-m) as an indication of the clay cap and the reservoir is characterized by a medium resistivity value between 20 - 100 ohm-m. In addition, a resistor with a resistivity value of 1000 ohms is found in the northeast part of the model which is identified as the heat source of the geothermal system. Another interesting result is the discovery of low resistivity anomalies (<20 ohm-m) that are distributed vertically below the zone of surface manifestation thought to be the magmatic chimney zone. Based on this research it can be concluded that a conceptual model of the geothermal system consisting of clay cap, reservoir and heat source has been arranged completely according to the results of the 2-D MT modeling. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh analisis parameter dan koreksi statik pada data magnetotelurik (MT) serta implikasinya terhadap pemodelan 2-D sistem panasbumi. Hasil dari analisis parameter kurva MT (tensor fase, diagram polar, dan tipper) menghasilkan perubahan resistivitas sebagai fungsi frekuensi atau kedalaman, batasan frekuensi ukur yang memenuhi persyaratan dimensi pemodelan, arah geoelectrical strike regional, dan persebaran lapisan konduktif secara lateral. Dari daerah penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa lapisan konduktif ditemukan pada rentang frekuensi 30 Hz – 0.1 Hz, batas perubahan medium yang dapat dimodelkan secara 2-D pada frekuensi 0.1 Hz, dan geoelectrical strike berarah N 133o W. Data MT dapat mengalami pergeseran statik akibat efek galvanic, sehingga perlu dilakukan koreksi statik menggunakan data Time Domain Elektromagnetic (TDEM) untuk menghindari kesalahan interpretasi pada nilai resistivitas dan ketebalan lapisan konduktif. Kurva MT hasil koreksi statik ini selanjutnya digunakan dalam pemodelan inversi 2-D dengan algoritma inversi non linear conjugate gradient (NLCG). Berdasarkan model yang dihasilkan terdapat lapisan clay cap memiliki nilai resistivitas rendah (<10 ohm-m), reservoar ditandai dengan nilai resistivitas sedang antara 20 – 100 ohm-m, dan heat source berada di bagian timur laut dengan nilai resitivitas 1000 ohm-m. Selain itu terdapat anomali resistivitas rendah (<20 ohm-m) yang terdistribusi secara vertikal di bawah zona manifestasi solfatara yang diduga akibat keberadaan magmatik chimney. Berdasarkan penelitian ini pemodelan data MT dapat menggambarkan kondisi sistem panasbumi pada daerah penelitian. | en_US |
dc.publisher | Tiaraningtias Bagus Pertiwi | en_US |
dc.subject | Metode Magnetotelurik, Koreksi Statik, Pemodelan Inversi 2-D, Model Sistem Panasbumi | en_US |